Workshops 2020




Each of these workshops was customized with NYE2020 and you in mind. Join us online for some of these virtual gatherings. Watch with your youth community or share with others. We encourage you to engage in the conversation around the workshops after you’ve participated.

I Want You(th) to Make a Difference


This workshop is an interactive seminar on the importance of voting, the intricacies of voter registration and is also a lesson on how minors and those ineligible to become voter deputy registrars can register their communities to vote. Our nation functions as a representative government but because youth can’t vote we aren’t represented. By registering our neighbors and communities as young people we not only inspire them to vote but to vote in the best interests of youth.

Mindfulness in Times of Change


The challenging times in which we live needs creative, adaptive and resilient leaders more than ever. You may be questioning yourself: “But, I’m just a youth?” or “I’m just a youth leader?” You are NOT just anything. You are a wonderful creation of the Divine who has gifts, skills and talents that a hurting world needs now more than ever. Learn how mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation, breath and prayer can help you tap into your God-given gifts and to share in the world and lead the change we need in the church and beyond. 

Just Say KNOW! Uniting for Justice through Faithful Sexuality Education


God created our bodies and called them very good. Join Amy to explore how dismantling shame and stigma about our bodies and relationships is a way to practice justice and faith. Learn ways you can help your congregation engage in healthy conversations about sex and sexuality.

Deaf Community Ministry, Advocacy and ASL!


Present the MIUCC Deaf Community Ministry. Information on Deaf Community Cultural & Advocacy. How to get started learning ASL and describing career opportunity in ASL. 

Back to School 3 B’s


As students prepare to head back to school there is much anxiety over the decision making process as caregivers weigh the options before them for what the school year will entail. Rev. Sarah Lund offers practical wisdom and encouragement for all involved in the decision making process by offering a simple framework involving the 3 B’s: Break the Silence, Basics and Believe.

GMP meets NYE


Rev. John Dorhauer will describe what makes the UCC is unique and will explore with participants what they see in the future of the church that he can help give shape to. He wants to talk about the shared future in a church with a mission that matters to youth and young people.

A Voice of Palestinian Youth


What is it like to be young and Palestinian? How does occupation impact daily life? Come hear from a global partner who will share her experiences and work in a context of justice.